Short bio

Contemporary danish artist, working with embroidery, gouache and watercolor on paper. Inspired and informed by sci-fi, spiritual rituals and longings for other worlds.

My works are equal parts embroidery/textile objects and painting with watercolor/gouache on paper or cotton. I am focused on formal investigations, based on spiritual experiences and cultivate a growing interest in art's potential to create new insights and deep sensory experiences. 

Alongside my practice, I have acted as a in-house artist, teacher and artistic consultant in many different contexts and I have run an international residency in Berlin, together with a group of other artists. 

I have continuously exhibited at home and abroad. I build community and share about my process, methods and materials and sell my works to interested parties on Instagram.



Funen art academy, 2002-2008

Arts and Crafts teachers education,  1998-2001 


selected from 2003 - upcoming


Up coming

Invited as guest to Den Fynske Forårsudstilling, SAK, Svendborg 20.04 - 09.05. 2024

Needle and thread - needlework in art, Kunstmuseum Brandts 05.10. 2024 - 23.02.2025

Opening af the installation of two works at the Institute for Molecular biology and Genetics, University of Aarhus.  Acquired by the Danish Art Foundation.


Presentation of works and proces on Instagram


SUMMER 21, Galleri Sandberg, Vestergade 102, Odense C

DE TRÅDE, DER BINDER OS SAMMEN, Bakkehuset, Frederiksbergmuseerne, Frederiksberg.


Uden titel, Helmer Design og Antik, Pantheonsgade, Odense C.

Processen Co-kurator, Skitsehandlen, Faaborg, DK



de Jong/Skovgaard, Skitsehandlen, Faaborg, DK

 Masker - i relation til Bauhaus, Danish architecture                 festival/Odense, DK


Fuglesilhuetter version II, Bull Mengers, Laven, DK

Fruits Sculpture Workshop, Open Engagement Conference, Portland, Oregon, US


Recording documentation, Gudruns Salon, Kbh., DK


Far og Børn Band Jam, Kooh i Noor, Kbh., DK



Hotel existence, vær. 3, Videbæk Hotel, Videbæk, DK

Finale, Vestjyllands Kunstpavillion, Videbæk, DK


24 Spaces, a Cacophony, Malmø Kunsthal, Malmø, Sverige, SE


Promised Land - Identity, belonging, and the desire to escape to a new world, Neukölln, Berlin, DE


In Case We Die - afgangsudstilling, det FynskeKunstakademi, Brandts, Odense, DK

Urban pedestals, Surburban pedestals, Helsinki, FI

Myth Tomorrow, FAA Project Room, Det Fynske Kunstakademi, Odense, DK


Performing Identity, Art after aesthetic Distance, Regina, CA

Deadpan exchange II, Superbien, Berlin, DE

drinking, sleeping, dinning...., Olivia Holm Møllerog Jens Nielsen Museet, Holstebro, DK

Free Space, Sønderboulevard, Kbh., DK


Art Grand Prix, del af: Days of Art and Love, Odense, DK


Skifter, Trapholt, Kolding, DK


Opgang 37, Sjællandsgade, Kbh. N, DK

Censored exhibitions


Spring04, Århus Kunstbygning, Århus, DK


Kunstnernes Paaskeudstilling, ÅrhusKunstbygning, Århus, DK



Processen, Skitsehandlen, Faaborg, DK. (kurator på udstillingsrække)


  • Self-employed art consultant in Cecilia de Jong SPACE from 2020- now 
  • Member of the Middelfart Art Council and freelance art advisor 
  • Workshop facilitator "Vulva embroidery" i.a. at Kunstmuseum Brandts, Femi Festival and Nyborg Gymnasium 2023 
  • Lecturer at Ærø Art College, summer course 2023 
  • Project manager and cultural consultant, Cultural Region Funen from 2015 - 2020 
  • In house artist of several occasions, i.a. at daycare and at the youth psychiatric department. 
  • Teacher and tour guide at Brandts from 2012-2014 
  • Co-founder and financially responsible for the international artist-run research and residency initiative "The Berlin Office" in the period 2006-2010

Grants and bibliography

Selected 2004 - current 


Work Grant, The Danish Art Foundation

Two works acquired by The Danish Art Foundation


Work Grant, The Danish Art Foundation

Funding for school project with students, The Danish Art Foundation


Travel grant from The Danish Art Foundation, research travel to Beirut, Libanon.


Participation in the International  conference “Open-engagement” in Portland, Oregon, USA with funding from The Danish Art Foundation


Participation in the international conference “Art after aesthetic distance” in Regina, Canada, with funding from The Danish Art Foundation


Travel grant from New Carlsberg Foundation, research trip to San Francisco, USA



3 - om udstillingen på værelse 3, på Westergårds hotel, Line Mengers kurator på VK


Find historien I naturen og leg et kunstværk – inspirationshæfte til daginstitutioner og børnefamilier udgivet af Rødovre Kommune            


Ud med kunsten, udstillingskatalog udgivet af Kulturregion Fyn


Gift (part of the project Obviously, It´s Not Obvious), Lotte Juul Pedersen, udgivet af Zavod P.A.R.A.Z.I.T.E, Ljubljana                                  


In Case we die, udstillingskatalogudgivet af Det Fynske Kunstakademis forlag, ISBN978-87-990132-3-4                                            


PRO-ART. 2005, Dokumentarbog, udgivet af moldeQ train, ISBN 87-991291-0-8

Broderi m. sytråd og broderigarn. Indrammet med UV glas i håndmalet ramme. Titel: Amulet (peach), ca. 5x20 cm eksl. ramme/ 20 x 50 cm. inkl ramme. 

Gouache og akvarel på GOTS certificeret bomuld.

Titel: KALI (unapologetic goddess), 100x120 cm. 2021.

Gouache og akvarel på GOTS certificeret bomuld.

80 x 100 cm. 2021

Masker - i relation til Bauhaus, Danish architecture festival/Odense, hos Helmer design og antik, kurateret af Lea Kirstine Møller, DK, 2019

Masker på gruppeudstillingen Finale Videbæk Kunstpavillon, Videbæk, kurateret af Line Sandvad Mengers, DK, 2018 

Dolls24 Spaces, en kakofoni, Koh-i-noor på Malmø Kunsthal, Malmø, 2013

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